Reaching the Unreached

Since FBC’s founding, the sending and supporting of missionaries has been one of the foundational pillars of our life and ministry. Central to our vision has been the planting of vibrant churches in the least reached corners of our world. In each generation we seek to re-ignite a missionary passion in our congregation. Our goal is to be found pressing on into the unreached portions of the world until Jesus returns. “This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14 )

A full description of missions at FBC can be downloaded here.

FBC Missions Partnerships


Mile One Mission is an exciting new mission that is passionate about gospel renewal. They exist to plant and support gospel-centred churches in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The St. John’s metro area has a population of 205,955, making it the 2nd largest metro area in Atlantic Canada. Sadly, St. John’s is also one of the least reached and forgotten cities in Canada, with just 1% of the entire population attending a local worship service on any given Sunday. This exemplifies the spiritual state of all of Newfoundland and Labrador.

As a strategic church planting hub, our vision is to provide financial and logistical support towards a long-term, consistent, and integral church planting method. This will allow carefully chosen church planters to focus on the task of building gospel-centred churches, while Mile One Mission and it’s partners provide the resources for their task. Mile One Mission is seeking help from partners across Canada and around the world.


Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, SIM believes that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in the communities where He is least known.

SIM is an international missions organization with more than 4,000 workers serving in more than 70 countries. FBC will specifically be partnering with SIM in Ethiopia.

A vision team went out from FBC to Ethiopia in November of 2019 and we look forward to seeing this partnership grow.

Missionaries We Support

Unreached People Groups

As a church we want to be intentional about praying for those in this world who are unreached by the life-changing truth of the gospel. Please take some time each day to pray for the unreached people groups in this world who need to hear the gospel.