Our regular Sunday service takes place at 10:00am and is 60-75 minutes long. If you have kids who want to attend our FBC Kids program we’ll ask you to check them in downstairs before the service. Plan to stay around after the service if you’d like for coffee, tea, and snacks!

We are a church made up of all ages, with individuals at various stages in life and faith. You’ll be greeted at the door and there are plenty of volunteers to answer any questions you may have! Our services include a time of musical worship with a modern band, as well as a time of teaching from the bible by one of our pastors. Once a month those who have professed faith in Jesus celebrate the Lord’s Supper during our service. This is a time where we take a piece of bread and cup of juice that represent the body and blood of Christ on the cross to help us remember His sacrifice for our sin and the eternal hope we have through Him.


We are excited to offer fun programming for your kids from Nursery-Grade 6 during our service! Your kids will need to be checked in prior to the service. Your kids will start up in the Auditorium with you and will be dismissed part way through the service. More information about our kid’s programs can be found on our FBC KIDS page.


We believe that being a part of Christ’s church means more than just gathering together on Sunday mornings. We’d love to get to know you more via our online Connect Card! We also have various Life Groups that meet during the week and you can see our calendar for a list of upcoming events. Sign up for our newsletter below and follow us on social media to keep updated on what’s going on!